
Cycling is the process of establishing beneficial bacteria in the aquarium to convert ammonia into nitrites and then nitrates, creating a stable nitrogen cycle.

Function in the Aquarium

This natural process is crucial for a healthy aquarium. Beneficial bacteria develop over time, breaking down harmful substances produced by fish waste and uneaten food.

Cycling in the context of aquariums refers to the establishment and maintenance of a biological filtration system that involves beneficial bacteria. The primary goal of this process is to create a stable nitrogen cycle within the aquarium environment.

Here's a more detailed explanation:

  1. Ammonia Conversion: The nitrogen cycle begins with the introduction of fish or other aquatic organisms into the aquarium. As they produce waste (mostly in the form of ammonia), and uneaten food also contributes to ammonia buildup. High levels of ammonia are harmful to aquatic life.

  2. Nitrite Formation: During the cycling process, certain strains of beneficial bacteria, such as Nitrosomonas, start to colonize surfaces within the aquarium, including the substrate, decorations, and filter media. These bacteria convert ammonia into nitrites through a process known as nitrification. Nitrites are still harmful to fish but less toxic than ammonia.

  3. Nitrate Conversion: Another group of beneficial bacteria, such as Nitrobacter, then convert nitrites into nitrates. Nitrates are less harmful than both ammonia and nitrites, and in moderate concentrations, they are generally tolerated by fish. Plants are then able to use these nitrates as a source of food.

  4. Stable Nitrogen Cycle: The establishment of these beneficial bacteria creates a balanced and stable nitrogen cycle within the aquarium. This means that ammonia produced by fish waste and decaying organic matter is efficiently converted into less toxic forms (nitrites and nitrates), providing a safer and healthier environment for aquatic life.

Function in the Aquarium

The cycling process is crucial for maintaining a healthy aquarium ecosystem for several reasons:

  1. Toxin Reduction: Beneficial bacteria play a vital role in breaking down toxic substances like ammonia and nitrites, preventing them from reaching harmful levels that could harm fish, invertebrates, and other aquatic organisms.

  2. Waste Management: Cycling helps manage the accumulation of fish waste and uneaten food. Without proper cycling, these organic materials can decompose and release toxins, compromising water quality.

  3. Biological Filtration: The established colonies of beneficial bacteria act as a natural biological filter, providing ongoing and efficient removal of nitrogenous compounds, promoting a stable and balanced environment.

  4. Overall Health: A well-established nitrogen cycle contributes to the overall health and well-being of the aquarium's inhabitants, reducing stress and minimizing the risk of diseases.

How to start the cycle?

Let's delve into more detail about some of the branded products mentioned and highlight their key features and points of difference:

  1. Seachem Stability:

    • Key Features: Contains a synergistic blend of aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative bacteria. It can be used for both freshwater and marine aquariums.

    • Points of Difference: Seachem Stability is known for its ability to rapidly establish the nitrogen cycle and help prevent new tank syndrome. It's a versatile product suitable for various types of aquarium setups.

  2. API Quick Start:

    • Key Features: Contains live nitrifying bacteria and helps reduce ammonia and nitrite levels. Also contains a unique formula of natural aquarium ingredients.

    • Points of Difference: API Quick Start is designed to be a fast-acting solution for quickly establishing a biological filter. It's suitable for use in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

  3. Tetra SafeStart Plus:

    • Key Features: Features a patented blend of live nitrifying bacteria. It is designed to provide a quick start to the aquarium nitrogen cycle.

    • Points of Difference: Tetra SafeStart Plus is known for its ability to reduce the time it takes for a new aquarium to become fully cycled. It's often recommended for adding fish to a new tank.

  4. Fluval Cycle Biological Enhancer:

    • Key Features: Contains a concentrated blend of beneficial bacteria to help establish and maintain the biological filtration in aquariums.

    • Points of Difference: Fluval Cycle Biological Enhancer is designed to work in both freshwater and marine aquariums. It's known for its long-lasting effects, helping to maintain a stable nitrogen cycle over time.

  5. Dr. Tim's Aquatics One & Only Nitrifying Bacteria:

    • Key Features: Concentrated formula with live nitrifying bacteria. It's designed to rapidly establish the nitrogen cycle in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

    • Points of Difference: Dr. Tim's Aquatics is known for its effectiveness in quickly cycling new aquariums and reducing the risk of fish loss during the initial setup.

  6. Microbe-Lift Special Blend:

    • Key Features: Contains a mixture of beneficial microbes to enhance the biological filtration in aquariums. Available in a liquid form.

    • Points of Difference: Microbe-Lift Special Blend is often used as a maintenance product to promote a healthy and balanced aquarium ecosystem. It is known for its versatility in various aquarium types.

  7. API Stress Zyme:

    • Key Features: Contains live bacteria to break down organic waste and reduce ammonia and nitrite levels. Also contains enzymes to break down uneaten food and fish waste.

    • Points of Difference: API Stress Zyme not only helps establish the nitrogen cycle but also supports ongoing maintenance by breaking down organic matter. It is suitable for use in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums.




Cyanobacteria (BGA)