CRS: Crystal Red Shrimp


CRS stands for Crystal Red Shrimp, a selectively bred shrimp species known for its striking red and white coloration.

Function in the Aquarium

Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS) is a selectively bred variant of the freshwater shrimp Caridina cantonensis. The breeding process involves carefully selecting individuals with desirable traits, such as vibrant red and white coloration, to create a distinct and visually appealing appearance. Here are some additional details about CRS:

  1. Origin and Species: CRS belongs to the Caridina cantonensis species, which is native to Southeast Asia, particularly in the freshwater habitats of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and southern China. The selective breeding of Crystal Red Shrimp started in Japan, where hobbyists aimed to develop and enhance the striking red and white coloration.

  2. Color Variations: The characteristic red and white coloration of CRS is a result of careful breeding over generations. The intensity and pattern of the red and white colors can vary among individuals, leading to different grades or classifications. Higher grades are typically more vibrant and have a more defined color pattern.

  3. Aquarium Habitat: Crystal Red Shrimp thrive in well-established freshwater aquariums with stable water parameters. Maintaining stable water conditions, including temperature, pH, and hardness, is crucial for their health and coloration. A planted aquarium with hiding places and mossy surfaces provides an ideal environment for them to graze on biofilm and microorganisms.

  4. Breeding in Captivity: One of the reasons for the popularity of Crystal Red Shrimp in the aquarium hobby is their ability to breed in captivity. Hobbyists often set up dedicated breeding tanks to encourage reproduction. The selective breeding process continues as enthusiasts choose specific individuals with desired traits to create new generations that exhibit improved coloration and patterns.

  5. Grading System: Crystal Red Shrimp are often graded based on their color quality and pattern. The grading system typically includes categories such as "S" (for pure red), "SS" (for more intense red coloration), and "SSS" (for the highest quality with vibrant red and clear white coloration). The grading system helps hobbyists understand and select shrimp based on their preferences and breeding goals.

  6. Compatibility: Crystal Red Shrimp are generally peaceful and can coexist with other non-aggressive aquarium inhabitants. However, it's essential to ensure that tankmates are compatible with the shrimp and won't pose a threat to their well-being.


Cyanoacrylate Glue


Copper (and shrimp)